Tesla: The Forgotten Mysteries

I was inspired to do this write up here for ATS after today; Nikola Tesla’s birthday was displayed on Google.


I also know there are a lot of Tesla fans here on ATS, so this one’s for you, let us hope we attract more members to this topic.

Nikola Tesla, the Serbian born inventor is labelled by today’s society as a mad scientist, others label him as nobody important hence his lack of recognition in text books and history, others see him for what he truly was, THE inventor of the 20th century, possibly even of the 21st, the man we owe so much too but yet know very little about. There is much mystery surrounding this fact, Tesla’s countless inventions of limitless, free energy, or zero-point energy. Could this be a reason why we don’t study him, why we don’t hear about him, why what he discovered is well known to have been stolen and suppressed by the full-power of the US government.


Before we get to the mysteries and the conspiracies, you need to get inside this man’s head, what better way than to quote him.

'Impossible as it seemed, the planet, despite its vast extent, behaves like a conductor of limited dimensions. The tremendous significance to this fact in the transmission of energy in my system had already become quite clear to me. Not only was it possible to send telegraphic messages to any distance without wires, as I recognized long ago, but also to impress on the entire globe the faint modulation of the human voice. Far more significant is the ability to transmit power in unlimited amounts to almost any terrestrial distance and without loss.'

'My invention requires a large plant, but once it is established, it will be possible to destroy anything, men or machines, approaching within a radius of 200 miles. It will, so to speak, provide a wall of power offering an insuperable obstacle against any effective aggression.'

'In Budapest, I could hear the ticking of a watch with 3 rooms between me and the timepiece. A fly alighting on a table in the room would cause a dull thud in my ear. A carriage passing at a distance of a few miles fairly shook my whole body. The whistle of a locomotive 20 or 30 miles away made the bench or chair on which I sat vibrate so strongly that the pain was unbearable. The ground under my feet trembled continuously...'

'They laughed in 1896, too when I told them about the cosmic ray. They jeered 35 years ago when I discovered the rotating field principle of alternating currents. They called me crazy when I predicted the radio. And when I sent the first impulse around the world, they said it couldn't be done.'


The Kansas City Journal-Post ran this headline on September 10, 1933:

TREMENDOUS NEW POWER SOON TO BE UNLEASHED with the subtitle: Nikola Tesla, Starting His 78th Year, Works on Revolutionary Power Project and Also Is Completing Process for Photographing Thought.

The following are quotes from this newspaper:

'Several of these inventions or discoveries will be looked upon as 'miracles' by many people, for Mr. Tesla has long been a scientist years ahead of his time, one whose advanced theories have alternately stamped him a 'madman' and a wizard. Just as people ridiculed Copernicus' theory of the planetary system, the unenlightened jeered Tesla's pronouncement, years ago regarding cosmic rays.

The pathfinder and the pioneer - and Mr. Tesla is both - are always condemned by the masses.' 'Mr. Tesla is the father of the alternating system of power transmission and radio, the induction motor and Tesla coil.

Asked about his startling new scientific discoveries, one of which concerns the 'photographing of thought,' which will, he maintains, bring about a tremendous social revolution, he said: 'My first and most important discovery concerns the harnessing of a new source of power, hitherto unavailable, to be developed through fundamentally novel machines of my invention.'

It was Tesla, not Edison who invented the poly-phase alternators that power the world we live in today, and it was Tesla who was eventually awarded Marconi’s wireless patents, after they were both dead. Tesla had contributed well over 1200 patents, of which 200 are being used to this day. If you ask most people, they would know or would have heard of a Tesla coil without knowing about Nikola Tesla, but how many people, how many people would answer if you asked them about the wireless electrical transfer of energy prior to 1900?

John O'Neill, author of Prodigal Genius, describes Tesla's New York lab as: '...seemingly unearthly forces that with invisible fingers set objects whirling, caused globes and tubes of various shapes to glow resplendently in unfamliar colors...transplanting the darkened room into one crackling with hissing sheets of flame which issued from monstrous coils.'

In 1901, when Marconi received world acclaim for sending a few 'clicks' across the Atlantic Ocean...Tesla had already developed and began construction of his Radio City. This tower 'Wardenclyffe' would have been able to transmit reproductions of photographic pictures (TV), news service, music, navigation service for ships and much more information which could be received anywhere in the world. (Tesla planned to contact Venus and Mars with his World Wireless!)

Marconi literally stole the idea of radio right out of Tesla's lab. Marconi almost got away with it; Tesla was slow to capitalize on radio because he was so consumed with wireless principles applied to electricity.


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mod edit, to fix "ex" code

[edit on 10-7-2009 by DontTreadOnMe]

[edit on 10/7/2009 by serbsta]