Happy 4th of July, from Peter Schiff! (zo)


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Jellyfish Crop Circle Predicts Solar Storm on July 7 2009 - Symbolizes Magnetosphere


A site has explained the crop circle and symbols in it. It seems to be a warning of a Solar Storm to hit the Earth on July 7th 2009. The Jellyfish crop circle has the symbols of the eclipse in it, which on July 7th there will be a penumbral lunar eclipse.

The circle has the date and the jellyfish, looks just as the magnetosphere does when the Earth is being hit by a solar storm. Well what it is suppose to look like, but if you have been keeping up to date on the magnetosphere, you will see it has not been doing it's job as it is suppose to. There are pictures and discussions of it at this thread here: www.abovetopsecret.com...

The website here, has a complete explaination of the Jellyfish crop circle: www.cropcircleconnector.com...

Earth’s magnetosphere changes into the shape of a “jellyfish” whenever it is impacted by a severe solar storm

Whenever a severe solar storm impacts directly on Earth, then our planetary magnetic field or “magnetosphere” changes into the general shape of a “jellyfish”: see watch or watch.

That seems to be what those crop artists were telling us at Wayland’s Smithy on May 29, 2009:

How did they get the date? You will see the picture below, has double 7's in it, also it has the symbol of a eclipse. They both correspond to July 7th, 2009.

The new crop picture shows also seven “eclipse” symbols in its central tail (white numbers 1 to 7), as well as seven streamers hanging off below (yellow numbers 1 to 7):

Both of those features suggest that a solar storm may impact Earth on July 7, 2009, as has already been suggested by several other crop pictures from April or May (see bishopcannings or roundway2).

The new crop picture also shows a small, horizontal, four-circle band just between its head and its long tail (blue arrows, left or right above). That feature closely resembles a crop picture from July 20, 2008 which told us about eclipses (see time2007x). Indeed, the suggested date of July 7, 2009 for an upcoming solar storm will be a penumbral lunar eclipse (see eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov).

“If directed at Earth, a coronal mass ejection is harmless to people, but slams into Earth's magnetic field, thereby distorting it into the shape of a jellyfish buffeted by a strong current. The most severe CMEs may cause geomagnetic storms capable of disrupting satellites, radio communications or power systems” (see www.atlasaerospace.net/eng/newsi-r.htm?id=50).

“Coronal mass ejections typically disturb Earth's magnetic field, distorting it into the shape of a jellyfish buffeted by a strong current. This interaction also energizes electrically charged particles, trapped within Earth's magnetosphere, and so causes bright auroral displays” (see istp.gsfc.nasa.gov).

I remember somthing about scientist coming out earlier this year, saying we could have distruptions of our technology with severe solar storms.
Did they say that, because our magnetosphere has been collapsing and weakening?

We were hit really hard this last weekend. There were some points of when we were being hit the magnetosphere did not protect the Earth fully.

With the picture below you can see on the right, how we were being hit by a solar storm, but our magnetosphere was collapsed.

So if this crop circle is correct, what will happen July 7th to our communications systems etc? Will it be a very bad solar storm hit? Will our magnetosphere be able to handle it without collapsing?

I guess we will find out in one weeks time!
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Another New Crop Circle Predicts July 7th 2009 - Earth getting a Major Solar Storm


This intricate Crop Circle was deciphered by another group, than the Jellyfish Circle - they too have come to a conclusion of a solar storm impacting the Earth on July 7th 2009 from this crop circle.

This thread is in conjunction with the Jellyfish Crop Circle thread here: www.abovetopsecret.com...

The link to the website of the group who deciphered the crop circle is here: www.earthfiles.com...

The first night it showed up, it looked like this:

Then after the next night it looked like this: It was added on to.

Then a few nights later it was added on to once again:

Besides being Gorgeous - it seems to have a powerful message in it, which is showing the degrees of where each planet is etc. Well, guess what date, all those planets positioned where they are comes out to be? Yep.... July 7th 2009.

How did they get to that conclusion?

“As shown in the explanatory diagram below, Part I of Milk Hill on June 21, clearly looked like a ‘sextant,’ which has long been used to measure the ‘altitude’ or height above the horizon of various astronomical objects in Earth’s sky.”

“It also showed a second underlying symbolism for Earth and Moon where planet Earth was drawn with a ‘teardrop’ shape, while our Moon was drawn with a standard ‘dumbbell’ shape first noted in the early 1990s. That teardrop shape is the usual scientific symbol for a CME, or coronal mass ejection from our Sun.

Then when it was added on to on the 22nd, they came up with this conclusion.

The second addition to Milk Hill on June 22, also seemed to show astronomical symbolism. The Australian scientist concluded that the second addition closely resembles an “orrery,” which is a traditional mechanical device used to illustrate planetary motions.

most people today do not know about Ptolemy’s geocentric model for our solar system, and that is why we have shown it below:

“Along the top, that Milk Hill crop picture then shows six of seven planetary symbols 1-2-3-4-5-6 (when including the outermost curved line), so as to match six rectangular ‘boxes’ that were drawn immediately below. Clearly those boxes have some connection to Ptolemy’s astronomical objects 1-2-3-4-5-6, but what could their relation be?”

Here is where it starts getting more interesting and how everything starts being pulled together for the conclusion of a solar storm on July 7th 2009.

This below part goes with the picture above, explaining the degrees and so on of the rectangles.

Any box with one stripe means “negative altitude” (below the horizon), while any box with two
stripes means “positive altitude” (above the horizon). Our best date of July 6, 2009, produces
altitudes above or below the local horizon as Moon = - 64 degrees (not visible);
Mercury = + 62 degrees; Sun = + 61 degrees; Venus = + 42 degrees; Mars = + 39 degrees;
or Saturn = + 22 degrees. Planet Jupiter at - 39 degrees is not visible, so is not shown.
On nearby dates, say July 5 or 8, 2009, the negative altitude for our Moon does not
exceed high positive elevations of + 62 or + 61degrees for Mercury or the Sun as required.

“The answer to this apparently difficult problem is actually quite simple: What is the true purpose of a sextant, as shown at Milk Hill one day earlier? Well, a sextant tells how high in the sky any bright astronomical object might be at a given time of observation, in units of 0 degrees to 90 degrees, relative to the local horizon. In astronomical language, those heights in the sky are called ‘altitudes.’

“Could each of those six rectangular boxes be telling us relative altitudes for Ptolemy’s six astronomical objects 1-2-3-4-5-6 at some calendar date in the near future?

So these people took apart the crop circle by looking at the degrees and placements of the planets in the circle, besides the scientific sign of a CME at the center of the crop circle. Here is how they completely came to the conclusion of a solar storm impacting the Earth on July 6/7th 2009.

“With that idea in mind, we used an astronomical almanac to calculate altitudes for the Sun, Moon and five bright planets over a wide range of dates during the summer of 2009. Then we compared those calculated values with the relative heights of six boxes shown in Part II of Milk Hill. The hourly time of observation clearly has to be close to 1200 UT, since one arm of that crop formation sextant is aligned south to north, parallel to the crop tramlines, while our Sun lies due south at noon in southern England.

“Our best theoretical matches to the crop formation boxes were for upcoming dates of July 6 or 7, 2009. Why would those crop artists go to all the trouble of showing us sextant and orrery shapes, then coding that orrery with six rectangular boxes which mean July 6 or 7, 2009, unless something significant were going to happen at that time?

Now how does the CME come into the whole concept of the Earth being impacted that day?

“At early stages in the ejection process, any Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) on the sun can acquire a teardrop shape, such as that drawn for planet Earth in the Milk Hill sextant marked with a blue asterisk. At late stages in the ejection process, any CME might evolve into a spherical shape, such as that drawn next to the crop formation intelligence's “Sun” symbol marked with a red asterisk.

“If Milk Hill Part II is really telling us about a CME (and not a comet), then that may be why the crop artists omitted 5 = Mars and 7 = Saturn from their curved orbital paths, while including 1-2-3-4-6. On July 6 or 7, both Mars and Saturn will lie angularly offset from the other four planets and our Moon, when viewed in terms of a possible directional CME ejection by our Sun.

“For the past two years, our Sun has been abnormally quiet between solar cycles 23 and 24. Within the past month however, it has become more active. What if anything might happen shortly?

So in complete conclusion here is what they say:

“Based on previous examples from 2004 or early 2009, we can be pretty sure that the crop formation intelligence's use of a teardrop symbol does represent a coronal mass ejection (CME) from our Sun. Why then would they have drawn planet Earth in the form of a large teardrop on June 21, unless several CMEs will impact upon Earth soon?

“We can see on the left of that new crop picture a round circle for our Sun, which seems to be emitting five CMEs along curved paths through space that eventually intersect with planet Earth at the red asterisk.

Seeing that this crop circle was deciphered by another group other than the person who deciphered the Jellyfish crop circle and they have come to the same conclusion from this crop circle as the message of the Jellyfish crop circle. Don't you think someone is trying to get a message to us?

Also, it will be interesting to hear within the next few days, if the govt. and utility companies might have some "testing" being done where either govt. facilities need to shut down for a few hours and the same with electric companies. In my opinion, people within the govt. know these crop circles are messages and they would have people decipher them from the inside. They would then know something is going to possibly happen in less than a weeks time in the form of a solar flare/storm/CME. I like to watch all areas and read between the lines, especially from the governments.

So, there you have it, Another crop circle deciphered to say the Earth will be impacted on the 7th of July by a solar storm.
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9/11 - Vans & Explosives (zo)


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Immigrants in US are asking for money from home (zo)


FAIRVIEW, N.J. – For five years, immigrant day laborer Leo Chamale wired money twice a month from New Jersey to his family in Guatemala. Recently, he stepped up to the money transfer window for a different purpose — to ask that his family send some of his savings back to him.

"I hadn't worked for five months, and I was two months behind on rent, so I had them send $1,500," the 21-year-old Chamale said in Spanish. "My mother said, `That's a lot of money!'"

With the U.S. economy in a ditch, money transfer agencies have been reporting a decline in the wages immigrants are sending back to their home countries. Now, it appears some immigrants are going a step further — asking their relatives to wire them money back.

"We've never seen this before," said Marlen Miranda, manager of Peerless Travel in Fairview, which runs a money transfer service. "I mean, one or two people might receive money for a special reason, but not this quantity of people."

Miranda said she has seen her customer base dwindle from 200 people to 75 who regularly use her money transfer services each month. Of those 75, Miranda said, about 20 now come in to receive money instead of sending it home.

"They can't send them much, because the economy in their countries is so bad," Miranda said. "Sometimes people only receive $20 from home."

It is not clear how much money is being sent back to the U.S. or how widespread the phenomenon is. Large money transfer agencies, such as Western Union, said they do not disclose how much money is sent or received by their field offices. Banks in foreign countries often track only money sent into the country by their citizens living abroad.

But clearly, these "reverse remittances" — as the money wired back to the U.S. is called — are extremely small when compared to the money immigrants send home.

Immigrants working in the U.S. sent more than $50 billion back to their native countries last year, according to the World Bank, which predicts the amount will drop 5 percent in 2009. Mexico's central bank said remittances sent to that country are down more than 18 percent in the past year, and registered their biggest decline on record in April.

Alejandro Tejada, manager of Tenares Communications, a Western Union office in Passaic, said he, too, has noticed money flowing in reverse, into the U.S. — a phenomenon he rarely, if ever, saw before.

It began around late March, Tejada said, after a tough winter in which construction projects and other ventures that usually employ immigrant day laborers ground to a halt.

World Bank economist Dilip Ratha said he devised his own measure of how much money is sent back to immigrants living in the U.S. and other countries. Analyzing foreign currency deposits in the Dominican Republic, Mexico and India from February 2008 to January 2009, Ratha found that immigrants from those countries tapped into their savings accounts — money they had previously wired home — at an accelerated rate as the global economy worsened.

The amount of foreign currency on deposit declined 7 percent in the Dominican Republic, 12 percent in India, and 6 percent in Mexico during the 12-month period, Ratha said.

Nevertheless, "people are sending far, far, far more back home than what they are taking out," he said.

Ratha said the surge in money wired back to the U.S. will not last long.

"The ability of, let's say, a Mexican family or a Nepalese family to be able to send dollar remittances to maintain somebody to pay for living expenses in the U.S. or in Europe is very weak, because they are very poor," Ratha said. "And the savings that are there of the migrants are also not very significant in most cases — so those savings will run out very quickly."

Standing on a street corner a recent morning in Palisades Park, looking for work, Chamale said he is now hoping to earn just enough for a plane ticket home.

"I was forced to ask for money from home during the winter months," he said. "After that, I said to myself, `That's it — I'm heading back to my country.'"

Link to Article here:


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California on the brink (zo)


Armageddon. Apocalypse. Disaster: These are the words being used to describe California's staggering $24 billion budget deficit. With a midnight deadline to balance the budget, state lawmakers are facing a daunting task: Find a way to bridge the gap or start issuing $3 billion in IOUs this week to cover the bills.

Almost every state is suffering from the effects of the recession, but not every state accounts for 12 percent of the national gross domestic product. According to AP, if California goes down, so goes the nation: California's annual $1.7 trillion economy is the world's eighth-largest economy and provides a significant chunk of tax revenue for the government; California alone funds many social programs for the entire nation.

Like the Big Three automakers, California may be "too big to fail." If the state implodes, the ripple effect could slow the entire nation's recovery from the recession. Burt P. Flickinger, a retail consultant, tells AP:

"California is the key catalyst for U.S. retail sales, and if California falls further you will see the U.S. economy suffer significantly."

How did California dig itself such a huge hole? The recession certainly didn't help, but Time's Kevin O'Leary writes that California's financial troubles can be traced back to the passage of Proposition 13 in 1978. An antitax measure, Prop 13 makes it extremely difficult to raise taxes or pass a budget unless a 2/3 majority in both state houses agree — a virtually impossible task. California Rep. Zoe Lofgren tells Politico:

"If we [in Congress] had to do what the California legislature does, we would never send a bill to the president of the United States,” she said.

If the political wrangling over the budget isn't resolved by midnight tonight, Californians will be feeling the pain on every level, big and small. Just a few of the proposed spending cuts:

— State employees will be forced to take another day of unpaid leave a month, in addition to the two days leave they were forced to take starting in December. (NYT)

— Funding for the Bureau of Narcotics Enforcement will be slashed by $20 million. The "little-known unit" has played a key role in several of the state's high-profile cases: The bureau's agents helped arrest Scott Petersen for the murder of his wife and unborn child, and their investigation led to charges in Anna Nicole Smith's overdose death. (AP)

— 80 percent of state parks would be closed, 25 in the Bay Area alone, including several beaches along the peninsula. Park visitors spend an estimated $2.6 billion a year in and near state parks, but closing the parks would save only .26 percent of the $24 billion deficit. (SF Chronicle)

— Education funding would be reduced by $5.3 billion. School districts have already laid off 30,000 employees. Class sizes are expected to surge from 20 to 30 students and many after school programs, arts and music classes will be cut. A national education survey conducted this year ranked California 47th in per-student spending. (AP)

— Gov. Schwarzenegger is proposing to eliminate the state's $1.3 billion welfare program. Frank Mecca, the head of the County Welfare Directors Association of California, tells Time, "California could become the only state in the First World without subsistence benefits for poor children."

So far, the government is using a "wait and see" approach to California, or as a recent Politico headline stated more bluntly — "Washington to California: Drop dead." Earlier this month, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said that the administration would "monitor" the situation, but that California's "budgetary problem unfortunately is one that they're going to have to solve."

(Think you can do a better job at balancing the state budget than the governor or state lawmakers? The Los Angeles Times is letting the common folk try their hand with a "You balance the budget" interactive.)

Page link:
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Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Review


June 29, 2009
Author unknown

The Real Review

The Fallen is Lucifer (Satan), as he says in the film "The Fallen shall rise again" as a hint that Satan will gather his Army to Rise against Our Savior, the true God-Jesus Christ. Once again, it's clear that the (alien) transformers are metaphors of Fallen Angels from another planet, that existed thousands of years ago, taken from the Biblical truths of Genesis 6, Where Fallen Angels took fleshly women as wives and produced Giants (The Nephilim).The Transformers are "aliens" (I believe aliens are nothing more than fallen angels)The Transformers are in Giant stature, in "Disguise" and "Hidden" among us from the spiritual world. The Fallen character, states in the film, that "it is time to reveal themselves and that they have been among us for thousands of years."

In the film, we see the Egyptian Illuminati Pyramids and also referenced about the Pyramid on the back of the dollar bill. We see many Obelisks (the Male Penis) and Symbolism throughout the film, along with plenty of sexual innuendo's marketing Megan Fox as the next Mind Controlled puppet to propagandize sexuality in a PG-13 rating given of a film, marketed to children.

In the film, The two twin, illiterate stereotype robots, are marketed as comic relief, but are nothing more than a mockery of the "dumbed down public" that cannot see that they are being made fun of by the Elite of Hollywood. As one of the military soldiers said in the film, "if God Created Man in his own image, who created Them?" Well God did! He created the Angels, except of 1/3 of them Rebelled against God and fell from Heaven. You See, God created ALL things that was intended of good nature. Only Satan and the Sinful Nature of Man, has corrupted the Moral and Good Nature of things.

Optimus Prime, who is the only transformer than can destroy the "Fallen", plays as the Savior (Christ like) who dies, and is resurrected in the film through the mystical power of the "Matrix". Where then, He destroys the Fallen (Satan) after taking parts from a once evil (decepticon JetFire) fallen angel, who traded sides from evil to good, to help Optimus in his fight against the Fallen. Hmmm............. Deception = Decepticon?

We see the "good angels", the autobots, working in allegiance with our government and discussing the advanced technologies, Where Prime wishes to not share with our War mongering civilization (Fallen Angels taught War, Witchcraft, and Weaponry). Sam Witwicky, the main human character, dies in the film and goes to "Robot Heaven" to meet the Angels and is sent back to life to restore the dead Leader of the Autobots with the power of the universe "The Matrix".

It is clear, that this Film is twisted in its indoctrination of hidden truths, using Fiction as Fantasy in a world of deception, mythology and biblical truths and distorting them to indoctrinate the public. Hollywood has waved its magical wand again to subliminally persuade the masses into believing that there is other life out there besides us.Is this a start of propaganda to brainwash the public into accepting allegiance with Satan and his army or the possibility of the return of Giants?? or Is this just more propaganda to set up acceptance of an upcoming "Alien" Invasion?? There is no question that these films are being made to accept a belief system of the Illuminati and the Worship of Satan and his Fallen Angels.... Optimus Prime, Leader of the Autobots, is starting to become more popular than Jesus Christ and the everyday household name, just like a Fallen Angel wants...to be Worshipped.
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The largest tax increase in American history under the guise of climate change has passed.


By Richard Cowan

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama scored a major victory on Friday when the U.S. House of Representatives passed legislation to slash industrial pollution that is blamed for global warming.

The House passed the climate change bill, a top priority for Obama, by a vote of 219-212. As has become routine on major bills in Congress this year, the vote was a partisan one, with only eight Republicans joining Democrats for the bill.

The Senate is expected to try to write its own version of a climate change bill, but prospects for this year were uncertain.

The House-passed bill requires that large U.S. companies, including utilities, oil refiners, manufacturers and others, reduce emissions of carbon dioxide and other gases associated with global warming by 17 percent by 2020 and 83 percent by 2050, from 2005 levels.

They would do so by phasing in the use of cleaner alternative energy than high-polluting oil and coal.

"The scientists are telling us there's an overwhelming consensus ... global warming is real and it's moving very rapidly," said House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Henry Waxman, the chief sponsor of the legislation.

In urging passage, Waxman also said the legislation would create jobs and help move the United States from its reliance on foreign oil.

But Republicans said the bill was a behemoth that would neither effectively help the environment nor improve an economy reeling from a deep recession.


House Republican leader John Boehner called the measure "the biggest job-killing bill that has ever been on the floor of the House of Representatives."

Representative Joe Barton, the senior Republican on the energy panel, said the measure would set unrealistic targets for cutting carbon pollution. "You would have to reduce emissions in the United States to the level that we had in 1910," Barton said.

At the core of the bill, which is around 1,500 pages long, is a "cap and trade" program designed to achieve the emissions reductions by industry.

Under the plan, the government would issue a declining number of pollution permits to companies, which could sell those permits to each other as needed.

"The federal government will be joining California in the effort to combat global warming and the framework for doing it is one that is very similar to the one that California has adopted," said that state's top climate official, Air Resources Board Chair Mary Nichols.

California is recognized as having the most aggressive plan to fight global warming in the United States.

(Additional reporting by Susan Cornwell in Washington and Peter Henderson in San Francisco; Editing by Will Dunham)

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