Jellyfish Crop Circle Predicts Solar Storm on July 7 2009 - Symbolizes Magnetosphere

A site has explained the crop circle and symbols in it. It seems to be a warning of a Solar Storm to hit the Earth on July 7th 2009. The Jellyfish crop circle has the symbols of the eclipse in it, which on July 7th there will be a penumbral lunar eclipse.

The circle has the date and the jellyfish, looks just as the magnetosphere does when the Earth is being hit by a solar storm. Well what it is suppose to look like, but if you have been keeping up to date on the magnetosphere, you will see it has not been doing it's job as it is suppose to. There are pictures and discussions of it at this thread here:

The website here, has a complete explaination of the Jellyfish crop circle:

Earth’s magnetosphere changes into the shape of a “jellyfish” whenever it is impacted by a severe solar storm

Whenever a severe solar storm impacts directly on Earth, then our planetary magnetic field or “magnetosphere” changes into the general shape of a “jellyfish”: see watch or watch.

That seems to be what those crop artists were telling us at Wayland’s Smithy on May 29, 2009:

How did they get the date? You will see the picture below, has double 7's in it, also it has the symbol of a eclipse. They both correspond to July 7th, 2009.

The new crop picture shows also seven “eclipse” symbols in its central tail (white numbers 1 to 7), as well as seven streamers hanging off below (yellow numbers 1 to 7):

Both of those features suggest that a solar storm may impact Earth on July 7, 2009, as has already been suggested by several other crop pictures from April or May (see bishopcannings or roundway2).

The new crop picture also shows a small, horizontal, four-circle band just between its head and its long tail (blue arrows, left or right above). That feature closely resembles a crop picture from July 20, 2008 which told us about eclipses (see time2007x). Indeed, the suggested date of July 7, 2009 for an upcoming solar storm will be a penumbral lunar eclipse (see

“If directed at Earth, a coronal mass ejection is harmless to people, but slams into Earth's magnetic field, thereby distorting it into the shape of a jellyfish buffeted by a strong current. The most severe CMEs may cause geomagnetic storms capable of disrupting satellites, radio communications or power systems” (see

“Coronal mass ejections typically disturb Earth's magnetic field, distorting it into the shape of a jellyfish buffeted by a strong current. This interaction also energizes electrically charged particles, trapped within Earth's magnetosphere, and so causes bright auroral displays” (see

I remember somthing about scientist coming out earlier this year, saying we could have distruptions of our technology with severe solar storms.
Did they say that, because our magnetosphere has been collapsing and weakening?

We were hit really hard this last weekend. There were some points of when we were being hit the magnetosphere did not protect the Earth fully.

With the picture below you can see on the right, how we were being hit by a solar storm, but our magnetosphere was collapsed.

So if this crop circle is correct, what will happen July 7th to our communications systems etc? Will it be a very bad solar storm hit? Will our magnetosphere be able to handle it without collapsing?

I guess we will find out in one weeks time!