Tesla: The Forgotten Mysteries II [The UFO Connection]0 comments Tesla: The Forgotten Mysteries
The "UFO" Connection "When the great truth accidentally revealed and experimentally confirmed is fully recognized that this planet with all its appalling immensity is to electrical currents, virtually no more than a small metal ball, and by this fact many possibilities, each baffling imagination and of incalculable consequence, are rendered absolutely sure of accomplishment; when the first plan is inaugurated and it is shown that a telegraphic message, almost as secret and noninterferrable as a thought, can be transmitted 'to any terrestrial distance, the sound of the human voice, with all of its intonations and inflections, faithfully and instantly reproduced at any other point of the globe, the energy of a waterfall made available for supplying light, heat or motive power, anywhere - on sea or land or high in the air - humanity will be like an ant heap stirred up with a stick: see the excitement coming!" ~Nikola Tesla, 1904 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As early as 1910, Nikola Tesla was positing his ideas of flying machines based on electrical and reactionary (call it centrifugal) forces. These flying machines would not need wings, jets, propellers, and could travel great distances speedily and efficiently with very little energy. There wouldn’t be anything magical, mystical about these machines nor involving dramatically new forms of energy or processes (remember this was even prior to the application of nuclear physics). L1: thecriticalthinker.wordpress.com... From Tesla: The flying machine of the future — my flying machine — will be heavier than air, but it will not be an airplane. It will have no wings. It will be substantial, solid, stable. You cannot have a stable airplane. The gyroscope can never be successfully applied to the airplane, for it would give a stability that would result in the machine being torn to pieces by the wind, just as the unprotected airplane on the ground is torn to pieces by a high wind. My flying machine will have neither wings nor propellers. You might see it on the ground and you would never guess that it was a flying machine. Yet it will be able to move at will through the air in any direction with perfect safety, at higher speeds than have yet been reached, regardless of weather and oblivious of ‘holes in the air’ or downward currents. It will ascend in such currents if desired. It can remain absolutely stationary in the air even in a wind for great length of time. Its lifting power will not depend upon any such delicate devices as the bird has to employ, but upon positive mechanical action. ![]() ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now let’s dig deeper. Tesla was a mechanical engineer ![]() Could these flying machines that have been reported in the last century (coinciding with Tesla’s work on flying machines) be that which some of us now label ‘alien spacecraft’? Is this why NASA and other government agencies ignore all those sightings of what obviously aren’t ‘ice crystals’ in countless STS footages? Could the governments that stole from this man have developed, expanded on and are continuing on expanding this technology? Are “UFO’s” man made after all. The reason all those fascinating spacecrafts in the NASA STS footages seem to zig and zag at rapid speed and then stop is because they control inertia with high voltage frequency electricity. We all know very well that we are energy slaves, but how much better is the energy that we could be harnessing? Electrical attractive force used by Tesla’s later classified flying machines (of which many rumours surround the Nazi’s involvement with the US government) is 10 ^ 49th power multiplied by 2.2 stronger than gravity. That is, the electrical force Tesla used on his craft is: 220,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 0,000,000,000,000 stronger than gravity. Could this theoretically allow such craft to be as mobile as displayed in countless STS footage?
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lets dig further, and learn about a man called Otis T. Carr, whom many believe to be the legit pupil of Nikola Tesla’s work. The following has been sourced from an article by a very intriguing individual, Doug Yurchey (www.unexplained-mysteries.com...) Doug Yurchey: Otis T. Carr (1904-1980?) was a protégé of the great inventor Nikola Tesla. Carr and his team constructed a number of fully functional, flying saucers in the late 1950s. The flying disks worked and were demonstrated. Carr was serious about ‘taking his craft to the Moon.’ However, two weeks after a dramatic test flight, their laboratory was forcibly closed. Federal agents confiscated equipment as well as all documentation. Authorities told them Carr’s project would ‘destroy the monetary system of the United States.’ Now there are claims by Mr. Carr that he indeed ran a test flight of a spacecraft he conceived in the 1950’s along with a man called Ralph Ring. They claimed they didn’t fly but, ‘traverersed distance’. There is no proof of this event but Mr. Carr stuck by his story until his death, as Mr. Ring continues to do. More from source: ‘(Carr)…was an unquestioned genius. Tesla had recognized his quality immediately and had taught him everything he knew. He was inspired, and – like Tesla – seemed to know exactly what to do to get something to work. - Ralph Ring The following is from Margaret Storm’s book ‘The Return of the Dove.’ ‘It was in November, 1957…when Otis T. Carr of Baltimore, Maryland, announced that free energy and spaceflight had been once again made available to the inhabitants of this planet. Carr, a disciple of Tesla, has come up with two new inventions. One is an electrical ‘accumulator’ and the other a gravity motor; both utilizing the power of the sun and other forces in nature found in free abundance in the atmosphere.’ ‘Carr…has organized a solid business corporation under the normal conventions of the American free enterprise system.’ ![]() Continued from previous source: ‘While governments still deny the existence of flying saucers and daily newspapers refuse to give outstanding news to their readers…the uninformed public remains uninformed. They do not even know the problem of spaceflight has been solved on this planet by an American citizen.’ ‘Carr’s free energy motors will power automobiles, for one thing; a development which would do away with the need for gasoline…’ ‘Large space vehicles will be brought down to size of about ten feet in diameter. They can be built to sell for less than the cost of a modern automobile and are designed to take a family across town, across the nation or around the world in absolute comfort and safety and in a fraction of the time ever before possible.’ L2: www.keelynet.com... Governments of the 21st Century KNOW how to build flying saucers. Some of the UFOs are ours. What we need most of all is a government that does not suppress a quantum leap, but one that will allow a giant step to benefit its citizens and all of the Earth. But, does the creation of a worldwide, saucer-transportation system terminate the concept of countries? At the same time Tesla was teaching the likes of Carr, Arthur Matthews and Einstein, we should consider what was happening in Nazi Germany. Hitler and his fascist regime of the late 1930s may have also developed the electrified disk known as the ‘saucer.’ The flying ‘electric motor’ is a scientific possibility. Why wouldn’t German scientists be close to discovering the answer? Study Victor Schauberger’s involvement with developing flying disks for the Third Reich. Numerous Internet sites and books deal with the subject of round, Nazi crafts. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Source: from our very own TeslaAndLyne: [theufostore.com...] Ever heard of the concept of Free Energy? What the term means is the ability to generate more energy than was expended to create that energy in the first place. Or, in other words, to create powerful, usable energy virtually out of nothing. According to Einstein's theory of relativity, it should be literally impossible to do so. But Lyne doesn't let something like Einstein stand in his way as he recounts the history of maverick inventor Nikola Tesla's pioneering efforts to create just the kind of Free Energy device capable of powering the manmade flying saucers Lyne believes the Nazis operated before, during and after World War II. As Lyne says in "Nazi UFOs: How They Fly," when Tesla offered his new experimental technology to the U.S. government, they turned him down flat, believing he was quite insane. It was at that point that the Germans sent in a covert operative to cultivate Tesla's friendship and bring Tesla's device to the aid of the Nazi military effort in the years shortly before the war. Nazi rocket genius Werner Von Braun took Tesla's technological breakthrough and applied it for use in a saucer-shaped aircraft that could fly by way of an energy that was ten to the fortieth power stronger than the gravitational field, making the aircraft capable of unbelievable speeds and maneuvering. Why was this technology kept secret after the war ended? Lyne says it was because it would render obsolete so many mainstays of our world economy, including our dependence on fossil fuels and our outmoded forms of transportation. So the alien explanation, what is often called "the extraterrestrial hypothesis," was slowly leaked to the public through a long-term disinformation campaign to maintain the cover-up of technologies that would have set our econommy on its ear. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ![]() Operation Paperclip brought many Nazi scientists to the USA, many of whom had been continuing Tesla’s work. One scientist who brought new knowledge to America was Viktor Schauberger. Although there is no evidence that Schauberger had Nazi sympathies, he was viewed by the Americans as a collaborator and put `into protective custody' for six months at the end of the war. Dr Walter Miethe, and Rudolph Schriever also entered America under Operation Paperclip, however it is believed that their colleague Habermohl fell into Russian hands. Whilst in the US, Miethe continued his `flying disk' work working primarily for the US Air Force, however he was sub-contracted to A. V. Roe and Company. In 1959 Jack Judges, a freelance cameraman was flying over this company's plant in Canada when he saw and photographed this picture (left) of a disk shaped craft sitting on the ground. ![]() In summary i would like to pose some questions to those on here who believe that those obviously intelligent spacecraft we see in NASA footage are being flown by other intelligent beings. Would it not be more possible that it is in fact our own governments work? Flying ‘saucer’ technology first theorized and patented by Tesla, later expanded upon and developed by the Nazis. Could this have been the reason for Operation Paperclip? If the US government did in fact gain Tesla’s and Nazi’s work regarding these machines then could they have not perfected them to the advanced state we see today? The Pentagon gets TRILLIONS of dollars (that we know off (Estimate $3.3 Trillion Missing From U.S. Treasury: www.rense.com...)) to continue funding Black Projects. Could you be certain that it isn’t simply going into research into developing more advanced spacecraft? - Would this not explain NASA’s / governments ignorance to the public regarding such matters? Why would they want to tell us? - Would this explain if those really are alien spacecraft, why they wouldn’t have shown themselves publicly already if they were visiting? -Could all those "UFO's" caught on tape by NASA simply be tests, that they themselves are running? All just questions for you ATS, i personally do not believe we are being visited by any aliens and am simply trying to make connections. Cheers. [edit on 11/7/2009 by serbsta] Tesla: The Forgotten Mysteries0 comments
I was inspired to do this write up here for ATS after today; Nikola Tesla’s birthday was displayed on Google.
www.telegraph.co.uk... I also know there are a lot of Tesla fans here on ATS, so this one’s for you, let us hope we attract more members to this topic. Nikola Tesla, the Serbian born inventor is labelled by today’s society as a mad scientist, others label him as nobody important hence his lack of recognition in text books and history, others see him for what he truly was, THE inventor of the 20th century, possibly even of the 21st, the man we owe so much too but yet know very little about. There is much mystery surrounding this fact, Tesla’s countless inventions of limitless, free energy, or zero-point energy. Could this be a reason why we don’t study him, why we don’t hear about him, why what he discovered is well known to have been stolen and suppressed by the full-power of the US government. ![]() Introduction Before we get to the mysteries and the conspiracies, you need to get inside this man’s head, what better way than to quote him. 'Impossible as it seemed, the planet, despite its vast extent, behaves like a conductor of limited dimensions. The tremendous significance to this fact in the transmission of energy in my system had already become quite clear to me. Not only was it possible to send telegraphic messages to any distance without wires, as I recognized long ago, but also to impress on the entire globe the faint modulation of the human voice. Far more significant is the ability to transmit power in unlimited amounts to almost any terrestrial distance and without loss.' 'My invention requires a large plant, but once it is established, it will be possible to destroy anything, men or machines, approaching within a radius of 200 miles. It will, so to speak, provide a wall of power offering an insuperable obstacle against any effective aggression.' 'In Budapest, I could hear the ticking of a watch with 3 rooms between me and the timepiece. A fly alighting on a table in the room would cause a dull thud in my ear. A carriage passing at a distance of a few miles fairly shook my whole body. The whistle of a locomotive 20 or 30 miles away made the bench or chair on which I sat vibrate so strongly that the pain was unbearable. The ground under my feet trembled continuously...' 'They laughed in 1896, too when I told them about the cosmic ray. They jeered 35 years ago when I discovered the rotating field principle of alternating currents. They called me crazy when I predicted the radio. And when I sent the first impulse around the world, they said it couldn't be done.' Body The Kansas City Journal-Post ran this headline on September 10, 1933: TREMENDOUS NEW POWER SOON TO BE UNLEASHED with the subtitle: Nikola Tesla, Starting His 78th Year, Works on Revolutionary Power Project and Also Is Completing Process for Photographing Thought. The following are quotes from this newspaper: 'Several of these inventions or discoveries will be looked upon as 'miracles' by many people, for Mr. Tesla has long been a scientist years ahead of his time, one whose advanced theories have alternately stamped him a 'madman' and a wizard. Just as people ridiculed Copernicus' theory of the planetary system, the unenlightened jeered Tesla's pronouncement, years ago regarding cosmic rays. The pathfinder and the pioneer - and Mr. Tesla is both - are always condemned by the masses.' 'Mr. Tesla is the father of the alternating system of power transmission and radio, the induction motor and Tesla coil. Asked about his startling new scientific discoveries, one of which concerns the 'photographing of thought,' which will, he maintains, bring about a tremendous social revolution, he said: 'My first and most important discovery concerns the harnessing of a new source of power, hitherto unavailable, to be developed through fundamentally novel machines of my invention.' It was Tesla, not Edison who invented the poly-phase alternators that power the world we live in today, and it was Tesla who was eventually awarded Marconi’s wireless patents, after they were both dead. Tesla had contributed well over 1200 patents, of which 200 are being used to this day. If you ask most people, they would know or would have heard of a Tesla coil without knowing about Nikola Tesla, but how many people, how many people would answer if you asked them about the wireless electrical transfer of energy prior to 1900? John O'Neill, author of Prodigal Genius, describes Tesla's New York lab as: '...seemingly unearthly forces that with invisible fingers set objects whirling, caused globes and tubes of various shapes to glow resplendently in unfamliar colors...transplanting the darkened room into one crackling with hissing sheets of flame which issued from monstrous coils.' In 1901, when Marconi received world acclaim for sending a few 'clicks' across the Atlantic Ocean...Tesla had already developed and began construction of his Radio City. This tower 'Wardenclyffe' would have been able to transmit reproductions of photographic pictures (TV), news service, music, navigation service for ships and much more information which could be received anywhere in the world. (Tesla planned to contact Venus and Mars with his World Wireless!) Marconi literally stole the idea of radio right out of Tesla's lab. Marconi almost got away with it; Tesla was slow to capitalize on radio because he was so consumed with wireless principles applied to electricity. uforeview.tripod.com...
![]() mod edit, to fix "ex" code [edit on 10-7-2009 by DontTreadOnMe] [edit on 10/7/2009 by serbsta] Medvedev Shows Off Sample Coin of New ‘World Currency’ at G-80 commentsBy Lyubov Pronina July 10 (Bloomberg) -- Russian President Dmitry Medvedev illustrated his call for a supranational currency to replace the dollar by pulling from his pocket a sample coin of a “united future world currency.” “Here it is,” Medvedev told reporters today in L’Aquila, Italy, after a summit of the Group of Eight nations. “You can see it and touch it.” The coin, which bears the words “unity in diversity,” was minted in Belgium and presented to the heads of G-8 delegations, Medvedev said. The question of a supranational currency “concerns everyone now, even the mints,” Medvedev said. The test coin “means they’re getting ready. I think it’s a good sign that we understand how interdependent we are.” Medvedev has repeatedly called for creating a mix of regional reserve currencies as part of the drive to address the global financial crisis, while questioning the U.S. dollar’s future as a global reserve currency. Russia’s proposals for the G-20 meeting in London in April included the creation of a supranational currency. To contact the reporter on this story: Lyubov Pronina in L’Aquila, Italy at lpronina@bloomberg.net Last Updated: July 10, 2009 10:23 EDTEngineering Jobless Rates Are Sky-High An economy without technology cannot progress0 comments
New statistic reports show that, in the United States, the rate of employment for electrical and electronics engineers (EEs) is at its lowest in years, and that many trained professionals are kicked out of their jobs on account of the economic crisis. And, while the federal government struggles to take the country out of the mess the other government set it in, one thing becomes clear – no one can hope to drive an economy on anything else than technology. Considering the rate at which these people are losing their jobs, that seems highly unlikely to happen.
The number of EEs that were laid off or were simply unemployed last month has hit a record high, while the overall rate of engineer employment continued to plummet for the second quarter in a row. The data used for compiling this report was extracted from numbers released last week by the Department of Labor's (DOL) Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). “Technology drives our economy, which means engineering unemployment is a bellwether for recovery and job creation. These new data suggest we've got a long way to go as the United States attempts to regain its economic footing,” Gordon Day, the president of American Chapter of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE-USA), comments. The new numbers show a situation much devastating than that of 2003, when unemployment rates among these professionals jumped to seven percent. In the first quarter of 2009, the rate was of 4.1 percent, but climbed steeply to 8.6 percent in the second quarter of the year. Overall, engineers experienced an unemployment rate rise from 3.9 percent in the first quarter to 5.5 percent in the second quarter of 2009. The situation is also made worse by the fact that the trends show a clear preference for letting go engineers. This is immediately visible from the fact that the overall unemployment rate for all professional workers has only increased slightly, from 3.7 percent to 4.3 percent. “Taken together, these data may suggest that engineers laid off last year and early this year are having trouble securing the new engineering jobs being created,” Day suggests. Hard Times0 commentsRichard Benson
First, are people actually employed? The glum employment situation continues to unravel and on the summer jobs front, 16-19 year olds are facing the worst environment since 1954, before their parents were even born. In 2007, 51 percent of graduating college students had jobs lined up before graduation. This year, less than 20 percent had jobs. Because they can't find work, the youth of America are staying at home with their parents (maybe forever) and parents can be categorized as "payrents." The number of unemployed workers reported in the "headline" unemployment rate of 9.5 percent is now 15 million, but only seven million are eligible and collecting unemployment insurance benefits. Each week, when initial unemployment claims of over 600,000 are announced, it's a virtual certainty that a million people have actually lost their jobs, considering 400,000 workers are out of the work force and not eligible to file. When a million jobs a week are lost, there is no way our current economy can replace them!
An alternative measure of unemployment reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics ("BLS") shows a 16.5 percent unemployment rate. This measure, called the U-6, includes workers who would like a job but have stopped looking, and part-timers who want full-time work (there are approximately nine million part-timers seeking full-time employment). Unemployment and underemployment are massive. Second, is anyone making any money? With 28 million people working part-time and 10 million self-employed (this includes dog walkers, yoga instructors and independent contractors, such as real estate sales agents), 38 million Americans in the work force are working but not making that much. Many firms and state and local governments have also begun to cut payroll hours and eliminate overtime altogether. The weekly hours worked were at their lowest level ever recorded in the BLS survey - if you don't work, you don't get paid! But the survey is very likely still overestimating personal income (hourly wages are multiplied by hours worked to give a good indication of income), so another way to measure income is to examine tax collections. If you are working part-time or are self-employed you're counted as working in the survey, but if you're not paying taxes, it's because you didn't make any money! State income tax receipts from January 2008 - April 2009 were down 26 percent from the year before, and money wired back to homes in Mexico from America is down 20 percent. Small businesses are also failing at a catastrophic rate. These businesses used to be a major source of job growth and income, but not anymore! Mom and Pop businesses have been gutted and many used personal credit cards to fund their operations, resulting in a default rate that has grown to 12 percent on small business credit cards. Third, does anyone have any financial resources? The government recently reported the savings rate had increased to 7 percent, but with personal income so grossly overestimated, it's likely the numbers are way off. There's a big difference between paying down your credit card debt (as your credit limit is cut), and stashing real cash in the bank. Cash in the bank is real savings, paying down credit card debt is not. But since the Fed cut interest rates to zero, many older Americans, who relied on the interest to help pay the bills, are scrambling and uncertain about the future. In addition, 51 million Americans are collecting Social Security benefits. Nobody would consider this demographic rich or well to do. Indeed, given the high cost of living, you don't live on Social Security, you simply subsist. Another 12 million people are collecting Social Security Disability ("SSI"). (If you're 55 and used to work at an auto plant and have exhausted your unemployment benefits, SSI is likely where you will find your friends until you turn 62 and start collecting Social Security.) And still another 34 million people are collecting food stamps, and the total is rising at the rate of 4 million a year. (To be eligible for food stamps you need to have less than $2,000 in resources such as a bank deposit). RECAP: Seven million people are collecting unemployment benefits, and another eight million are unemployed and collecting nothing! There are 38 million part-time or self employed workers, and 2.4 million people in jail (1 in 100 adults). 51 million are collecting Social Security benefits, 12 million are on Social Security Disability, and 34 million are on food stamps. What financial resources can this huge segment of the population have? Not much! I bet no one under the age of 70 can remember an economy this bad. Tens of millions of Americans subsisting on government handouts are one paycheck away from homelessness and hunger. The hard times we are experiencing today, due to the misalignment of over-consumption financed by debt, are severe. It will take at least a few more years to work down the debt, build real savings and put the economy on a sound footing. If the American press focused on the economic statistics that reflect the seriousness of the economic catastrophe, the officials in Washington will surely panic. Americans could step up to the plate and ask for some of that bailout money that Wall Street received. It's time to get grumpy and politically active! You have to wonder what the government will do to try and jumpstart the dying economy. We expect three major policies by the end of the year: First, there will be another massive stimulus for job creation; Second, there will be another round of quantitative easing from the Federal Reserve to finance the job creation stimulus; and Third, expect a major devaluation of the dollar to encourage exports and discourage imports. God help the Federal Deficit and the saver because printing money like crazy, and devaluing the dollar, will only get inflation started... ...Whoever said that Hard Times weren't interesting? [Editor's comment: Got Gold?] Jul 9, 2009Richard Benson Archives President Specialty Finance Group, LLC Member NASD/SIPC 2505 S. Ocean Boulevard - Suite 212 Palm Beach, Florida 33480 1 800-860-2907 email: rbenson@sfgroup.org Sun's Storms Set to Intensify0 comments
"Normal" sunspots are about the size of the moon. Large sunspots may be as large as 65 times the size of our planet. This one is about 80 times bigger than Earth.
July 8, 2009 By Rebekah Polley Gympie Times; Gympie, Queensland ASTRONOMERS are claiming that Earth is witnessing the biggest and most powerful Sunspot ever seen and the sunspot is yet to peak in intensity. ![]() The normal surface is about 5000 degrees, the temperature of a sunspot is about 3000 degrees. The size of a sunspot varies, ranging from the size of the moon to 65 times larger than the size of earth and lasts for about a month then fades away. This newest sunspot is thought to be 60 to 80 times the size of Earth and has occurred on the side of the sun, which is in view of Australia. Wappa Falls Observatory head astronomer Owen Bennedick describes the sunspot shape like the letter S and thinks it to be approximately 150,000 km long and 30,000 km wide. “It's flares have not yet been measured,” Owen Bennedick said, “but it is like hundreds of thousands of hydrogen bombs.” The flares have been so bright that NASA has had trouble taking accurate pictures of the sunspot. Mr Bennedick said the sunspot is still growing in intensity but predicts it could climax by today. The sunspot will cause the Earth's atmosphere to heat up, potentially creating problems to powerlines, radio transmitters and delicate equipment such as mobile phones and computers. Mr Bennedick suggests powerline filters be installed on computers and people should put on extra sunscreen. Sunspots appear on the sun in cycles, occurring every 11 years, the current cycle has four years until it reaches it peak. ![]() Image: The biggest previous solar flares on record were rated X20, on 2 April 2001 and 16 August 1989. So 2003's explosion certainly set a new mark. But only now do scientists understand the probable true power of the event. The New Zealand researchers in Otago looked at the effect the flare's radiation had on the Earth's upper atmosphere and used that to judge its strength. The changes the Otago researchers saw allowed them to produce a new estimate of the flare's intensity, increasing its rating from X28 to X45. "This makes it more than twice as large as any previously recorded flare," said Associate Professor Neil Thomson. (SOHO) Most sunspot flares measure around X12 which is still considered powerful. The Sunspot two years ago was 45 times larger than the earth and lasted for 45 days. Since that sunspot, no more had been seen until Sunday, this latest one considered the most powerful yet. The Wappa Falls Observatory is in the process of installing a new 12 inch telescope which will allow a greater view of the sky. The new telescope was bought in honour of Kerry Mounter who recently passed away. Mr Mounter was an inspiration to all who worked at the Wappa Falls Observatory. The telescope will be dedicated to his memory. http://www.gympietimes.com.au/story/2009/07/07/magnetic-storms-on-the-suns-surface-are-set-to-int/#print Economist: FDIC gearing up for bank closures0 commentsWashington Business Journal - by Janet Leiser Contributing WriterThe Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. is gearing up to handle a large number of bank failures expected as a result of bad mortgages, both in residential and commercial real estate, an economist said Tuesday. “They know they’re going to take down a large number of banks and they can’t do it until they’re staffed up,” said Mark Dotzour, chief economist and director of research for the Real Estate Center at Texas A&M University. Dotzour expects federal regulators to establish an agency, similar to the Resolution Trust Corp. that disposed of assets belonging to insolvent S&Ls in the late 1980s and early 1990s. “Once they start to sell [foreclosed real estate], we’ll find out what the market really is,” Dotzour told attendees at an economic summit hosted by a handful of real estate groups in Tampa, Fla. Dotzour blamed federal intervention for the lack of commercial real estate investment activity in recent months, as well as the failure of businesses to make major decisions. “Nobody knows what to do so they’re doing nothing,” Dotzour said at the luncheon meeting at the Intercontinental Tampa. Government, in its quest to help the economy, is causing harm by propping up failing companies and regularly changing rules, he said. “No one can predict what the government will do,” Dotzour said. “People are frozen. It’s not that they don’t want to invest in the future, the rules are unclear,” he said. He jokingly called the Federal Reserve “inksters” for routinely printing money to bail out big business, including banks that are still not making many loans. The government’s role in a capitalistic society, he said, “is to make the rules and get off the dance floor.” Businesses and individuals that can’t pay their bills should resolve their problems in bankruptcy court, not with money from the government, he said. It’s a process that has worked for decades, for generations. “Everyone has a lesson to learn here, including you and me,” he said. “We have to live within our means.” Dotzour expects foreclosure rates to continue to climb, real estate prices to fall more and cap rates to rise to at least 9 percent before leveling off. In 2010 and 2011, interest rates will begin to rise, as will inflation. Once investors realize the market is at bottom, deals will begin to flow again, he said. In the meantime, he compared the bad loans that remain on banks’ books to a smelly cat litter box and the feds keep throwing more litter on top to mask the smell. But they’ll eventually have to remove the organic material to fix the problem. G-8, G-5 Dodge Dollar Spat, Vow to Avoid Devaluations (zo)0 commentsJuly 9 (Bloomberg) -- Leaders of the world’s biggest developed and emerging nations avoided a debate over the dollar’s role in the global economy as they agreed not to devalue their currencies to promote their exports. With officials from Brazil, India, China and Russia pushing consideration of alternative reserve currencies, their joint statement’s language on foreign exchange echoed an agreement at an April summit of the Group of 20. The leaders agreed to “refrain from competitive devaluations of our currencies,” according to the statement released after their meeting today at the G-8 summit in L’Aquila, Italy. They also agreed to “promote a stable and well-functioning international monetary system.” The global financial crisis and the surge in U.S. borrowing have prompted Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to advocate diversification away from the dollar. Russia and its counterparts have yet to come up with a viable alternative. British Prime Minister Gordon Brown told reporters today “there was not a serious discussion” about the topic. “To talk about the long-term future of the world economy and the arrangements that are necessary is something that world has got to do, but I don’t want to give the impression that there’s a major change about to happen around the corner which will mean that present arrangements are disturbed,” Brown said. Brazilian and Russian officials said they intended to raise the issue at the next G-20 meeting in Pittsburgh in September. The dollar “may well be” brought up there, Brazilian Foreign Minister Celso Amorim said. Arkady Dvorkovich, President Dmitry Medvedev’s economic aide, said currencies are a G-20 matter. Local Currencies Emerging nations are seeking to lower the dollar’s role in their economies. Brazil’s President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva wants the biggest developing nations to use their own currencies in settling trade accounts, India’s Foreign Secretary Shivshankar Menon told reporters yesterday. The so-called Group of Five -- Brazil, China, India, Mexico and South Africa -- met yesterday and discussed “looking at the use of alternate currencies, not so much as reserve currencies,” Menon said. “But Brazilian President Lula suggested that we should consider using our own currencies to settle our own trading accounts with each other.” Menon said “everyone recognizes” that the idea of a new reserve currency “is a long-term goal.” In May, Lula and his Chinese counterpart Hu Jintao discussed ways to use their currencies in trade after China replaced the U.S. as Brazil’s biggest trading partner. “We need to improve the international currency regime to have a better foreign exchange issuing and reserve currency system so that we can have relative stability in the reserve currencies’ rates and so that we can have a diversified and rational international reserve currency regime,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Ma Zhaoxu said today in L’Aquila. The G-8 comprises the U.S., U.K., France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia and Canada. Link: http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=email_en&sid=avHoRg8TzM1s SUDDEN SUPER SUNSPOT: So Intense say Astronomers - B & C Class Flares0 comments![]() SUDDEN SUPER SUNSPOT: Sunspot 1024 is crackling with B- and C-class solar flares. The activity is so intense, astronomers can’t seem to take a picture of the sunspot without catching a flare in action. Pete Lawrence sends this example from his backyard observatory in Selsey, UK: “Active region 1024 is putting on a fantastic show,” says Lawrence. “The center of this region is incredibly bright and fluctuating.” Solar observers haven’t seen an active region like this one in more than two years. It is big, complex, and rapidly growing: movie. The magnetic polarity of the sunspot, revealed by SOHO magnetograms, show that it is a member of new Solar Cycle 24. This makes sense: New research shows that solar jet streams are beginning to stimulate new-cycle sunspot production. Sunspot 1024 appears to be a sign of the process at work, heralding more to come. Monitoring is encouraged. Maybe this does add some validity to the Crop Circle Warnings The First Time I Heard Of Barack0 comments
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